Publicity and dissemination actions
In early May 2023, the coordinator sent the 1st Press Release to media nationwide, with information related to the implementation of the project

On 28-29/6/23, the coordinator of the project (Karantinos Gerasimos), the scientific coordinator of the University of Patras (Liopa – Aglaia Tsakalidou) and the president of the Organic Olives Association (Kousoulas Evangelos), participated in a meeting organized by the EU CAP Network Cross-visit "Organic farming supply and value chain optimisation" / EPI Agri, in June 2023, in Tuscany, Italy, where they presented to the representatives of EU CAP / EPI Agri and other Operational Groups, from 6 European countries, the implemented project.
In early July 2023, the coordinator sent the 2nd Press Release to media nationwide, with information on the participation of EO representatives in the "cross-visit of EU CAP NETWORK", as well as information on the implementation of the project.
The scientific director of the EO of the University of Patras (Liopa – Aglaia Tsakalidou), presented the project and the first results at the scientific conference of the EEEO held at the Cultural Conference Center of Heraklion, Crete on 29-10/2-11/23
The scientific director of the National Organization of the University of Patras (Liopa – Aglaia Tsakalidou), presented the project and part of the results at the international conference Agriculture & Food, held in Burgas, Bulgaria on 12-15 August 2024


The construction of a website dedicated exclusively to the implementation of the project has been completed by the coordinating body
Information leaflets and posters have been printed as information tools in the various information actions
The Department of Agriculture of the University of Patras in collaboration with the Association of Post-High Education & Training of American Agriculture, have completed the Training Program for farmers on the application of Good Cultivation Practices & use of new technologies for optimal production in organic olive cultivation