Project Description

The project is implemented by the partnership of seven partners (Agricultural Cooperatives, Agri-Food Enterprises, University & Research Organizations), which constitute the Operational Team for the implementation of the project.

The Action Plan by the Operational Team aims through the utilization of relatively recent research data & cutting-edge technologies:


The creation of an integrated sustainable production protection system, with the pilot implementation of innovative processes and cultivation practices, as well as the pilot utilization of cutting-edge technologies, such as the use of a network of special sensors, the use of drone technology, the use of smart barcodes and RFID, etc., combined with the utilization of data from meteorological stations, as well as disease prediction models, for the effective plant protection of the olive grove, balanced nutrition & irrigation, increasing the efficiency of nutrient use, while reducing inputs.


The design (in the laboratory) & pilot production (in the industry) of innovative foods, with the application of new innovative processes & technologies. The analysis and evaluation of their nutritional value. The design and execution of pilot tests for innovative products. The organoleptic evaluation of products. The execution of the required chemical analyses


The development of an Integrated Information System Platform for the Management and Monitoring of Organic Olive Products from the Farm to the Markets, which on the one hand will cover the production processes and on the other hand will easily provide the final consumer with information about the place of production, and the production & distribution processes followed from the field to the shelf, through the development of innovative traceability procedures


The pilot implementation of innovative agricultural practices in organic table olive farms of Kalamata & Chalkidiki.


The promotion and dissemination of results, through:

Training organic farmers to implement innovative cultivation practices, as well as how to participate in the implementation of procedures for traceability and certification of their products
Presentation of results in scientific conferences & journals
The creation of a website promoting the project
Participation in at least one International Food Fair

The project “Partnership for Smart Organic Olive Farms & Innovative Products – Smart Olive Farm” , co-funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, Measure 16 – Action 2, Submeasure 16.1-2 Action II

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